FOR Prospective Families
The Kids' Place enrolls children from the entire Walla Walla Valley. Enrollment is year-round, based on availability. Please call us (509.522.2088) to set-up an appointment to visit The Kids’ Place.
The Kids' Place follows these steps when a family is ready to enroll:
- Family comes for an initial school visit and meets with director to discuss availability and enrollment details. This generally takes 15-20 minutes. Children may be present, but may not be left in classrooms unattended.
- Once families have completed their enrollment form, they can visit the classroom for up to one hour during outside time (10:30 am) on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Family member stays with child the entire time.
PRIORITY ENROLLMENT Siblings of currently enrolled families are given priority when enrolling new children so that children may attend the same childcare. There is also one space reserved in each classroom, each year for a child of a Whitman College employee.
WAITLIST When there are no available openings, families are welcome to call any time of year to schedule an appointment with the director to be added to the waitlist. There is no fee to be on the waitlist. Families are called as openings are available year round. The waitlist is managed on a first-come, first-serve basis.